Last updated Aug 2002
- 11 kg 2014T6 aluminium hammer head
- 800 Amp, 11 kWatt electric motor
- 60 Volt, 9 Ah NiCad batteries
- 3 kJoules energy delivery
- Chain drive with fusee variable ratio
- Self-righting ability (SRIMECH)
- Develops 4000 N force at the head
- 2 x 800 Watt Magmotor S28-200 at 36 Volts
- Tank style, gyro stabilised steering
- Vantec RDFR47E speed controller
- 8 mph top speed, 2000 N traction
- 3 Ah Sanyo NiCad batteries
- Stainless steel wheels - no tyres
- Array of 18 NdFeB magnets
- Takes advantage of the steel arena floor
- Around 4000 N of downforce
- CNC milled 2014T6 aluminium alloy
- Weight: 99.5 kg - heavyweight
- Width: 820 mm Length: 800 mm
- Armour: 25 mm GE LexGard laminate